

Airs populaires anglais du xviie siecle



London tunes. Hyde Park ; Maiden Lane ; St. Paul's Wharf ; Tower Hill ; Gray's Inn -- Country dances. Cuckolds all in a row ; Merry milkmaids we ; Woodicok ; Newcastle -- Four ballads mentioned by Shakespeare. Callino Casturame ; Come live with me and be my love ; Light o'love ; Jog on -- The 17th century top three. 3 Greensleeves ; 2 Fortune my foe ; 1 Packington's pound -- Across the channel (imported and exported tunes). Chi passa ; All in a garden green ; La Folia (var. by McGibbon) ; Quatre branles -- Across the border. The clean contrary way ; Gilderoy ; Gilliecrankie ; The miller of the Dee -- John Playford's English dancing master. Go from my window ; The new exchange ; Kettle drum ; Trumpet tune ; The Indian Queen or The new bouree --A health to Betty. A health to Betty ; My mother's ay glow'ring o'er me -- The fine companion. The fine companion ; The merry companion ; The boon companion -- The healths. The healths ; La bouree ; The glory of the west ; St. Paul's steeple ; Jack Pudding ; Parson's farewell.
