


  • 題名: Wildflower festival / Judy Collins.
  • 作者: Collins, Judy, 1939-
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • 漫旅繁花.
    • Cat's in the cradle.
    • Kingdom come.
    • Silly little diddle.
    • Remember song.
    • Wings of angels.
    • Close the door lightly when you go.
    • Blue River.
    • Someday soon.
    • St. James Infirmary.
    • Mooses come walking.
    • Home before dark.
    • Open the door.
    • City of New Orleans.
    • Thirsty boots.
    • Will the circle be unbroken.
  • 出版: New York : Wildflower Records, LLC c2003.
  • 主題: Popular music--2001-2010. , Folk songs, English--United States. , Folk music--United States.
  • URL: https://serv.npac-ntch.org/CD/19B/C019770.htm
  • 一般註:Wildflower: WFL 1300-2.
  • 製作群註:Songs composed by Judy Collins, Tom Rush, Eric Andersen, Arlo Guthrie, and Steve Goodman ; select songs arranged by Judy Collins and Arlo Guthrie ; produced by Judy Collins.
  • 演出者註:Judy Collins, guitar and lead vocals ; Eric Andersen, Tom Rush, and Arlo Guthrie, guitars and vocals ; with Russell Walden and Abe Guthrie.
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005058080 | 機讀編目格式


摘自 金革唱片網站
一趟繁花錦簇的音樂之旅,你將嗅聞,Judy Collins的歌聲一路飄香……
與三大民謠樂手Eric Andersen、Tom Rush及Arlo Guthrie的精采實錄
在樂壇橫跨近半世紀的Judy Collins,她的歌聲不僅深入各地爵士酒吧,演唱會現場更贏得所有人沸騰的情緒與掌聲。其中最令人難忘的,當屬在聖地牙哥Humphrey’s By The Bay的音樂演唱會,邀請經典民謠歌手Eric Andersen、Tom Rush及Arlo Guthrie合作展開一連串的巡迴演出。
Eric Andersen與吉他相伴三十年,專輯在北美、歐洲、日本廣為流傳而被《芝加哥論壇》譽為Joni Mitchell唯一代言歌手的Tom Rush,他和Judy Collins一樣從六O年代就開始為美國民謠史撰寫新頁特別客串演唱的Arlo Guthrie,演唱電影'''"Alice''s Restaurant'''"插曲而受到眾人矚目,不僅擅長鋼琴、吉他,生長於音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、哲學家輩出的時代背景下,讓Arlo Guthrie的音樂增添幾許不凡才華。
本張專輯由Judy Collins親自操刀製作,無法親臨現場一睹Judy Collins演唱風采的您,將在本張專輯中得到滿足!盡情感受Judy Collins在舞台展現的演唱實力,更在Eric Andersen、Tom Rush及Arlo Guthrie的熱情獻唱下,讓氣氛達到最高潮!


Cat's in the cradle (3:50) -- Kingdom come (6:42) -- Silly little diddle (4:07) -- The remember song / Tom Rush (4:03) -- Wings of angels (5:10) -- Close the door lightly when you go / Eric Andersen (3:42) -- Blue River / Eric Andersen (6:02) -- Someday soon (3:40) -- St. James Infirmary / Arlo Guthrie (5:16) -- Mooses come walking / Arlo Guthrie (5:29) -- Home before dark / Judy Collins (3:45) -- Open the door (3:45) -- City of New Orleans (4:23) -- Thirsty boots (5:33) -- Will the circle be unbroken (4:11).
