- 題名: Audiophile selection
- 作者: Washington, Dinah, 1924-1963.
- 其他題名:
- 黛娜華盛頓絕世金選.
- What a difference a day makes.
- Three coins in the fountain.
- Unforgettable.
- Somke gets in your eyes.
- Stardust.
- Mad about the boy.
- Bewitched.
- In the wee small hours of the morning.
- Don't explain.
- September in the rain.
- Harbor lights.
- Six bridges to cross.
- Affair to remember.
- Song is ended (But the melody lingers on).
- If I loved you.
- Am I blue.
- It's magic.
- This bitter earth.
- Everybody's somebody fool.
- 出版: [s. l.] : Premium Records p2003.
- 主題: Blues (Music)
- URL:
- 系統號: 005058088 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 金革唱片網站
黛娜華盛頓1963年因用藥不當以39歲巔峰盛年辭世,留下後人無盡懷念。而她最知名作品如「What A Difference A Day Makes」、「Smoke Gets In Your Eyes」都收錄在這張金選集中。高規格24bit母帶後製讓原本平板的早期錄音頓時鮮活了起來,層次之分明,音域之寬闊讓人幾乎忘了其中部分為單聲道時代的錄音,一代名伶,風華重現。
What a difference a day makes -- Three coins in the fountain -- Unforgettable -- Somke gets in your eyes -- Stardust -- Mad about the boy -- Bewitched -- In the wee small hours of the morning -- Don't explain -- September in the rain -- Harbor lights -- Six bridges to cross -- An affair to remember -- The song is ended (But the melody lingers on) -- If I loved you -- Am I blue -- It's magic -- This bitter earth -- Everybody's somebody fool.