- 題名: The phantom of the Opera : the original cast recording / [music by Andrew Lloyd Webber ; lyrics by Charles Hart ; additional lyrics by Richard Stilgoe ; book by Richard Stilgoe & Andrew Lloyd Webber ; orchestrations by David Cullen & Andrew Lloyd Webber].
- 作者: Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 1948-
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- 歌劇魅影全集 -- 2006訪華首演紀念盤.
- 出版: Taiwan : Universal Music Co. p2006, p1987.
- 主題: Musicals. , Phantom of the Opera (Fictitious character)--Drama.--Drama.
- URL:
- 一般註:Polydor: 831 273-2 (831 274-2--831 275-2) (on container: 831 273-2 Y-2). Musical. "Original London cast recording"--Container. Additional lyric to the song The phantom of the Opera by Mike Batt. Based on: Le fantôme de l'Opéra / Gaston Leroux. "This recording contains all of the principal musical material of The phantom of the Opera"--Booklet. Compact disc. Full libretto, including spoken dialogue and the sequences that have been cut from this recording ([64] p. : ill.), and list of cast members and orchestra personnel ([4] p. : ill.) laid in container.
- 演出者註:Starring Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, and Steve Barton, with supporting cast and orchestra ; Michael Reed, conductor.
- 系統號: 005058128 | 機讀編目格式
摘自 博客來音樂館
1986年在倫敦首演,不僅是Andrew Lloyd Webber/安德烈洛伊韋伯最成功的音樂劇,更可說是音樂劇史上最成功的作品!上演19年來,曾在20多個國家、120多個城市演出,場次總計超過7萬場,全球票房累計超過3.2兆美金,贏得超過50座獎項肯定,觀賞人數超過1億人次!2006年在台灣巡演的同時,【歌劇魅影】也將以7486場次打破『貓』的紀錄,成為在百老匯演期最長壽的音樂劇!
法國作家蓋斯東勒胡/Gaston Leroux的原著「歌劇魅影」多次被改編成電影與舞台劇,韋伯深受舞台劇吸引,便和作詞搭檔Charles Hart、Richard Stilgoe合作譜寫這齣曠世鉅作,由當時他的愛妻莎拉布萊曼飾演女主角克莉絲汀,麥可克勞佛飾演魅影。本原聲帶即為被公認為至尊經典的倫敦原版卡斯錄音,一發行就破天荒登上英國排行榜蟬連3週冠軍,其中4首經典曲也分別登上英國金榜Top10,至今在全球已突破4000萬張銷售,穩坐人類史上最暢銷的音樂劇原聲帶!
【歌劇魅影】在舞台上的視聽呈現可謂相輔相成,華美絢爛的歌劇院、迷離詭譎的下水道、接二連三的驚悚意外;神秘莫測的魅影、清純貌美的克莉絲汀與年輕俊帥的拉奧子爵,三人錯綜複雜的三角感情,流轉在"The Phantom of the Opera"夢幻與驚懼並存的執迷,以及曠世情歌"All I Ask of You"所描繪的純美愛情之間。"The Music of the Night"低訴魅影的偏執深情,"Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again"唱出克莉絲汀年輕心靈的徬徨迷惘,結合莎拉布萊曼與麥可克勞佛兩人化戲劇為情感的非凡唱功,將韋伯的音樂精髓昇華至不朽境界。
Prologue -- Overture -- Think of me -- Angel of music -- Little Lotte ; The mirror ; Angel of music -- The phantom of the opera -- The music of the night -- I remember ; Stranger than you dreamt it -- Magical lasso -- Notes ; Prima donna -- Poor fool, he makes me laugh -- Why have you brought me here ; Raoul, I've been there -- All I ask of you -- All I ask of you : (reprise) -- Masquerade ; Why so silent -- Notes ; Twisted every way -- Wishing you were somehow here again -- Wandering child ; Bravo, Monsieur -- The point of no return -- Down once more ; Track down this murderer.