

William ForsytheFrom a Classical Position / Just Dancing Around1區 (美版)英語發音


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William Forsythe 威廉.佛賽,他是現代舞蹈王國的國王,一個叛逆國王。三歲便開始跳舞,除非思考,他一直在動。他在紐約出生,從小在那個城市學芭蕾,是巴蘭欽的弟子,但後來在編舞的成就超越過巴蘭欽。天生是完美的舞者,廿五歲到德國斯圖嘉特芭蕾舞團跳舞,卅五歲接手法蘭克福芭蕾舞團成為編舞家,廿年來,作品內容和形式一直在移動變遷,沒有人有那樣的解構風格,但他的企圖並不祇於解構古典芭蕾,他是少數在古典芭蕾中冒險創新搞革命的人,且為古典芭蕾找到全新的語彙,作品被譽為廿一世紀的舞蹈里程碑。
William Forsythe 威廉.佛賽說,巴蘭欽是最好的學校,他是從那個學校出來,最初的作品都在模仿巴蘭欽,他說,只有徹底明白巴蘭欽,真切完全地模仿過,你才能從那個學校解放出來。比爾在古典芭蕾中看到可以在當代舞蹈發展的符碼,他在傳統芭蕾舞中提鍊現代精神,他在舞蹈中思考結構,無論具體或隱喻,他能把結構視覺化,他是大師,如果芭蕾舞也是一種語言,那麼他是寫下這一世紀舞蹈文法的人,而堅持古典芭蕾價值的人不可能明暸這些,他們只看到他在解構。
William Forsythe 威廉.佛賽在法蘭克福的廿年是德國現代舞蹈最輝煌的年代,在二個藝術人跡稀少的城市,各有碧娜鮑許和威廉.福賽,而比爾的法蘭克福時代將現代舞蹈帶入巴蘭欽也無法想像的境界,法蘭克福雖銀行和企業林立,但歌劇院剛好有一個全世界最棒的舞台,五十公尺乘五十公尺,William Forsythe 威廉.佛賽說,「因為如此,我開始對戲劇空間的使用有更多思索」,通常他藉用光影來呈現動作,加深其舞蹈和戲劇性,他在那個舞台上推出如這次來台演出的身體協奏曲(Limb's Theorem), In the middle something Elevated或 Impressing theCzar,全是寫下現代舞蹈史的代表作,而身體協奏曲是認識佛賽的最好作品。


"From a classical position" constitutes a one-off experience of Forsythe and Caspersen's work, giving dance lovers a unique vision of their art as choreographers, dancers and now film-makers. The piece is performed to an original score by Thomas Willems, a composition for a single piano. Just dancing around? is a documentary that focuses on the build-up to the first performance of Forsythe's "The loss of small detail", and the soundtrack features the avant-garde music of Thomas Willems and Handel's Concerti grossi. Just dancing around?: Documentary focusing on the build-up to the first performance of choreographer William Forsythe's "The loss of small detail."


"Just dancing around?" William Forsythe / producer, Sophie Gardiner ; editor, John Smith ; photographed & directed by Mike Figgis ; Euphoria Films for Channel Four (1996, 51 min.). From a classical position / dancers, Dana Caspersen, William Forsythe ; photography, Jess Hall ; composer, Thom Willems ; pianist, Gerard Bouwhuis ; editor, Jo Ann Kaplan ; producer, Debra Hauer ; choreographed and directed by Dana Caspersen, William Forsythe ; Euphoria Films for NVC Arts and Channel Four Television ; in association with Ovation, RAI Thematic Channels (1992, 26 min.).

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