




German mezzo-soprano vocalist Christa Ludwig headlines this special classical concert, staged and performed in 1994 to commemorate her 70th birthday. In it, Ludwig performs Franz Schubert's "Die Winterreise," and a "Lieder Recital" with arias by Hugo Wolf, Gustav Mahler and others.


disc 1. Die Winterreise / Franz Schubert ; directed by Enrique Sá́nchez Lansch ; bonus. Master class with Christa Ludwig, part 1 / directed by Claus Viller -- disc 2. Lieder recital / directed by Enrique Sánchez Lansch: Geheimnis = Secret ; Im Abendrot = Afterglow ; Die Forelle = The trout ; Der Tod und das Mädchen = The death and the maiden ; Sehnsucht = Longing ; Der Musensohn = The muses' son / Franz Schubert -- Ich ging mit Lust = Happily I went ; Rheinlegendchen = The Rhinelegend ; Das irdische Leben = Earthly life ; Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen = The world is lost for me ; Scheiden und Meiden = Parting / Gustav Mahler -- I hate music : a cycle of five kid songs / Leonard Bernstein -- Anakreons Grab = Anacreon's tomb ; Der Gärtner = The gardener ; Bedeckt mich mit Blumen = Cover me with flowers ; In dem Schatten meiner Locken = In shadow of my locks ; Mein Liebster hat zu Tische mich geladen = At the table of my love ; Wie lange schon = How far already / Hugo Wolf = Du meines Herzens Krönelein = My heart's crown ; Begegnung = Encounter ; Die Nacht = The night ; Morgen = Tomorrow / Richard Strauss.; bonus. Master class with Christa Ludwig, part 2 / directed by Claus Viller.
