

[Hē akolouthia tou Akathistou hymnou] = The service of the Akathistos hymn



Theos Kyrios = The Lord God ; To prostachthen = The angel, understanding the secret command, hastened to Joseph's tent -- Hoi dyo prōtoi oikoi tou Akathistou: Angelos prōtostatēs ; kai, Vlepousa hē Hagia meta tōn ephymniōn autōn = The first two oikoi or stanzas of the Akathistos hymn: A captain of the angels ; The Holy Virgin, aware of her own purity -- Epilogē ek tou kanonos: Anoixō to stoma mou = A selection from the kanon of the Akathistos hymn: Filled with Spirit, I shall address the Queen of Mothers -- Tēn hōraiotēta tēs parthenias Sou = The beauty of Your purity -- To kontakion: Tē Hypermachō Stratēgō = The kontakion: To You, its Defender, Your city freed from danger, dedicates thanksgiving for victory -- Hoi dyo teleutaioi oikoi: Psallontes Sou ton tokon ; kai, Hō panymnēte Mēter meta tōn ephymniōn autōn = The last two oikoi or stnazas of the Akathistos humn: In praising Your Son, we praise You, Theotokos ; Oh, most praised Mother -- Tē Hyermachō Stratēgō = To You, its Defender, Your city, freed from danger, dedicates thanksgiving for victory.
