Kata Kabanova ; Capriccio ; Concertino / Janacek.
- 作者: Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Pohádka
- 其他作者:
- Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor
- Wiener Philharmoniker
- London Sinfonietta
- Červinka, Vincenc, 1877-1942.
- Søderstrøm, Elisabeth, 1927-2009.
- Kniplová, Naděžda, 1932-
- Dvorský, Peter, 1951-
- Mackerras, Charles, 1925-2010.
- Crossley, Paul, 1944-
- Jedlička, Dalibor, 1929-
- Márová, Libuše, 1943-
- Atherton, David, 1944-
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Kát̕a Kabanová.
- Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886. Groza.
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Capriccio, piano, 1 hand, wind ensemble
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Concertinos, piano, instrumental ensemble
- 其他題名:
- Pohádka
- Kata Kabanova
- Kata Kabanova.
- 卡塔.卡班諾娃.
- Märchen
- Fairy tale
- Tale
- Skladby pro violoncello a klavír
- Sochinenii︠a︡ dli︠a︡ violoncheli i fortepiano
- Compositions for violoncello and piano
- Conte
- Kompositionen für Violoncello und Klavier
- Pohádka o caru Berendějovi dle Žukovského
- Tale about Tsar Berendyey after Zhukovski
- Märchen vom Zaren Berenděj nach Žukovskij
- 童話
- 出版: London : London [1989]
- 叢書名: 留聲機唱片大獎 , 英國留聲機唱片大獎 , 留聲機雜誌唱片大獎 , 英國留聲機雜誌唱片大獎 , Gramophone唱片大獎
- 主題: Operas. , Piano (1 hand) with wind ensemble. , Concertos (Piano with instrumental ensemble)
- URL:
- 一般註:London: 421 852-2 (421 853-2--421 854-2). The 1st work an opera in 3 acts with libretto by Vincenc Cervinka, based on Ostrovsky's The storm; the 2nd work for piano (left hand) and wind instruments; the 3rd work for piano and chamber ensemble. Sung in Czech (1st work). Compact discs. Analog recording. Program notes by John Tyrrell and Charles Mackerras and synopsis in English with French, German, and Italian translations, and libretto in Czech with English translation (154 p. : ill.) inserted in container.
- 演出者註:In the 1st work: Elisabeth Soderstrom, Nadezda Kniplova, sopranos ; Petr Dvorsky, tenor ; supporting soloists ; Wiener Staatsopernchor ; Wiener Philharmoniker ; Sir Charles Mackerras, conductor. In the 2nd-3rd works: Paul Crossley, piano ; members of the London Sinfonietta ; David Atherton, conductor.
- 系統號: 005007537 | 機讀編目格式