

Schubert's Winterreise / Hans Zender ; choreography and stage director, Christian Spuck ; a production of Accentus Music in coproduction with SWR ; produced by Paul Smaczny ; directed by Michael Beyer.


摘自 32屆香港藝術節 網站 : Zürcher Ballett 蘇黎世芭蕾舞團的特色在第二次世界大戰後確立:1964至1971年間,在立陶宛出生的英籍 舞團總監尼古拉斯.貝利奧索夫領導下,舞團建立了自身的古典芭蕾舞劇目。貝利奧索夫 離開後,由於人事變動頻繁,舞團的發展並不穩定。總監職位更數度易手,法國的米歇 爾.德斯孔貝、英國的傑佛利.考利先後出任總監,而來自瑞士的漢斯.麥爾斯特和約 格.布特,亦曾擔任舞團的聯席總監。
儘管如此,1972年舞團演出了魯道夫.雷里耶夫的《雷蒙達》、《唐.吉訶德》和《曼佛雷 德》。1978年,前紐約城市芭蕾舞團舞蹈員佩特利絲雅.妮亞利接任總監,銳意革新。在 妮亞利領導下,蘇黎世芭蕾舞團持續發展,而妮亞利更致力將舞團轉化為精於演繹巴蘭欽 劇目的歐洲舞團。
二十世紀八十年代中至九十年代中期,舞團由兩位年輕編舞家,德國的烏威.朔爾茲及奧 地利的貝恩德.羅傑.比安尼特領導。1996年,斯普禮接任舞團總監,帶領蘇黎世芭蕾舞 團躋身歐洲最佳舞團之列。舞團今日的成就,全賴以下四項息息相關的因素:精心挑選各 國人才擔任舞蹈員、由一流的芭蕾舞指導負責培訓、明智的劇目選擇,以及舞團的主要支 柱 ─ 斯普禮本人所編的舞蹈。


Franz Schubert's Winterreise, a cycle of 24 songs for voice and piano set to poems by Wilhelm Müller, is not only regarded as the zenith of Schubert's song composition but as the pinnacle of German art song in its entirety. German composer Hans Zender arranged the cycle in 1993 with the title: 'Schubert's 'Winterreise' a composed interpretation.' Zender's version for tenor and chamber orchestra reveals the cycle's potential to disturb, and approaches Wilhelm Müller's poems in its own way. Zender pushes into the darkest regions of human existence. With his interpretation, he brings to light emotions that pulsate just beneath the surface in Schubert's work, uncovering the uncanny layers in the depths of the music. Like Hans Zender, Christian Spuck's production, which was awarded the renowned Prix Benois de la Danse in 2019, concerns itself less with illustrating the external stations of the traveler's journey. Instead, it approaches the cycle with thoroughly comprehensive abstraction.
