Gil Evans & Orchestra : Live in Lugano,1983.
- 作者: Evans, Gil, 1912-1988.
- 其他作者:
- Evans, Gil, 1912-1988. Variation on the misery
- Mingus, Charles, 1922-1979. Orange was the colour of her dress then blue silk
- Hendrix, Jimi, 1942-1970. Stone free
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Porgy and Bess. Here come de honey man
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Porgy and Bess. Here come de honey man
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Porgy and Bess. Gone, gone, gone
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Porgy and Bess. Gone, gone, gone
- Gil Evans Orchestra.
- 出版: [Germany] : ArtHaus Musik 2010.
- 主題: Jazz--1981-1990. , Big band music. , Evans, Gil, 1912-1988.
- URL:
- 一般註:DV06914為全區區碼 ; 4:3 "Recorded live at Palazzo die Congressi, Lugano, 27 January 1983"--Container back cover.
- 製作群註:Director, Atanley Dorfman.
- 演出者註:Gil Evans/arranger/keyboards ; Billy Cobham/drums ; Tim Lansers/Bass ; Dean Brown Guitar ; Gil Goldstein/keyboards.
- 系統號: 005149005 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客萊書店 網站 : 吉爾.艾文斯(Gil Evans)在爵士樂史上是以出色的作曲家和編曲家聞名。
但不同於其他同行的同業,他因為和邁爾士.戴維斯(Miles Davis)緊密的合作與參與演出,而聲名卓著。在五零年代他加入戴維斯的陣容時,已經四十多歲,算是相當晚入行的。從小在加州長大的他,其實遠離美國爵士樂發展的重鎮紐約很遠,但他在三零年代就開始組樂團,之後更因為歌手邀請巡迴演出而踏進演藝圈,被鮑伯霍伯相中進而開始他的編曲生涯,雖然他的音樂知識和技巧全來自自學,但卻讓他更快地與新一輩樂手像是查理.帕克、戴維斯、穆利根等咆勃樂手找到共識,他長這些人一輩的身份更讓他如父如兄般地有著指導的地位,他們九人於是創立了後來鼎鼎大名的「酷派誕生樂團」。該團雖締造傳奇,在商業上卻慘敗,戴維斯因此沉潛多年,艾文斯自己也只好重操舊業。隨著五零年代戴維斯復出,並大受好評,艾文斯也跟著水漲船高,在戴維斯的堅持下,艾文斯編曲融合了大樂團和咆勃音樂的新風格,讓他忽然間成為眾人矚目的焦點,也開始被邀請灌錄個人專輯,六零和七零年代,他灌錄了很多這樣的爵士專輯,他可以自由地在樂曲中加入長段的獨奏、並使用大量創新的手法,不用考慮商業機制,因此電貝斯、合成器都被用進來。
With his 20-piece orchestra, Gil Evans performs innovative arrangements of Gershwin, Charlie Mingus, Thelonius Monk and Jimi Hendrix, as well as his own compositions. Soloists appearing include Michael and Randy Brecker, Lew Soloff, Howard Johnson, John Clark, Mike Manieri and Billy Cobham. A live concert performance from 1983 in Switzerland, with the composer and keyboardist leading an all-star band, which includes Randy and Michael Brecker, Billy Cobham, Lew Soloff, and Mike Mainieri.
Copenhagen sights -- Friday the 13th -- Variation on the misery -- Waltz -- Orange was the color of her dress, then blue silk -- Stone free -- Here come de honey man -- Gone, gone, gone Special feature: Gil Evans' biography.