Mystery sonatas = Sonates du rosaire : Rosenkranz-Sonaten / Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber.
- 作者: Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704.
- 其他作者:
- Melkus, Eduard, 1928-
- Dreyfus, Huguette.
- Rogg, Lionel.
- Scheit, Karl, 1909-1993.
- Sonneck, Gerald.
- Planyavsky, Alfred, 1924-
- Lange, Hansjürg.
- Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704. Sonatas, violin, continuo (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Mus. Ms. 4123). Passacaglia
- Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704. Sonatas, violin, continuo (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Mus. Ms. 4123). No. 10. No. 10.
- Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704. Sonatas, violin, continuo (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Mus. Ms. 4123). No. 13
- 其他題名:
- Sonatas,
- Sonates du rosaire
- Rosenkrantz-Sonaten
- 出版: Hamburg : Archiv Produktion p1968.
- 叢書名: Codex
- 主題: Sonatas (Violin and continuo) , Passacaglias (Violin) , Mysteries of the Rosary--Songs and music.--Songs and music.
- 一般註:Fifteen sonatas based on the Mysteries of the Rosary, for violin and basso continuo and Passacaglia for solo violin. Title from container. Spine title: Biber: Rosenkrantz-Sonaten. Compact discs (ADD). Program notes by Eduard Melkus ([26] p.) in German, English and French in container insert.
- 演出者註:Eduard Melkus, violin; Huguette Dreyfus, harpsichord; Lionel Rogg, organ; Karl Scheit, lute; Gerald Sonneck, violoncello and viola da gamba; Alfred Planyavsky, violone; Hans-Jurg Lange, bassoon; figured bass, Eduard Melkus.
- 系統號: 005087668 | 機讀編目格式

Disc 1: Mariä Verkündigung = The Annunciation (5:10) -- Mariä Heimsuchung = The Visitation (4:48) -- Geburt Jesu = The Nativity (6:54) -- Darstellung Jesu im Tempel = The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (6:52) -- Der zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel = Jesus is found again in the Temple (5:49) -- Jesus am Ölberg = Jesus on the Mount of Olives (7:57) -- Geisselung Jesu = The Scourging of Jesus (6:38) -- Dornenkrönung Jesu = Jesus is crowned with thorns (7:06) Disc 2 : Kreuztragung Jesu = Jesus carrying the cross (5:03) -- Kreuzigung Jesu = The Crucifixion of Jesus (9:19) -- Auferstehung Jesu = The Resurrection (7:09) -- Himmelfahrt Jesu = The Ascension (4:53) -- Herabkunft des Heiligen Geistes = The Descent of the Holy Ghost (6:23) -- Mariä Himmelfahrt = The Assumption of Mary (6:56) -- Mariä Krönung = The Coronation of Mary (10:57) -- Passacaglia (6:53)