

The songs of Frank Bridge



CD 1: The songs of 1901 to 1908. Sonnet: When most I wink - If I could choose - The primrose - A dirge - The Devon maid - Dawn and evening - Two Heine songs. Where'er my bitter teardrops fall ; E'en as a lovely flower - Blow, blow, thou winter wind - Go not, happy day - Night lies on the silent highways - A dead violet - Cradle song - Lean close thy cheek - Fair daffodils - Adoration - So perverse - Tears, idle tears - The violets blue - Come to me in my dreams - My pent-up tears oppress my brain - Three songs with viola. Music, when soft voices die ; Far, far from each other ; Where is it that our soul doth go? CD 2 : The songs of 1912 to 1925. All things that we clasp - Love is a rose - Dear, when I look into thine eyes - Isobel - O that it were so! - Strew no more red roses - Where she lies asleep - Love went a-riding - Thy hand in mine - So early in the morning, O - Mantle of blue - The last invocation - When you are old and gray - Into her keeping - What shall I your true love tell? - 'Tis but a week - Day after day - Speak to me, my love! - Dweller in my deathless dreams - Goldenhair - Journey's end.
