

Pills to purge melancholy : Lewd songs and low ballads from 18th century / The City Waits, ens voc et instr.



Sometimes I am a tapster new ; Honest sheper'd, since you're poor ; Blowzabella my bouncing Doxie ; As oyster nan stood ; There was a lass of Islington ; Poor Celia once was very fair ; Oh fie! what mean I foolish maid ; What life can compare with the jolly town rakes ; I hate a fop that at his glass ; Would ye have a young virgin of fifteen years ; Weep all te nymphs, your floods unbind ; A Soldier and a sailor, a tinker and a taylor ; Then jockey wou'd a wooing away ; With my strings of small wire lo I come ; How vile are the sordid intrigues of the town ; Like a ring without a finger ; Through the cold shady woods ; When for air I take my mare ; Young Collin, cleaving of a beam ; One Sunday at St james's prayer ; There was an old woman liv'd under a hill ; Oh!my panting, panting heart ; Now listen a while , and I will tell ; Oh mother, Roger with his kisses ; Do not rumple my top-knot ; Come jug, my honey, let's to bed
