Piano works / Friedrich Nietzsche.
- 作者: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900.
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- Musical works.
- Piano music of Friedrich Nietzsche.
- 出版: Providence, RI : Newport Classic p1992.
- 叢書名: Newport classic premier
- 主題: Piano music. , Piano music, Arranged. , Mazurkas. , Marches (Piano) , Symphonic poems (Piano) , Piano music (4 hands)
- 一般註:The 2nd, 3rd, and 10th works originally songs, transcribed for solo piano by John Bell Young; the 15th-16th works for piano four hands. Title on container and container spine: Piano music of Friedrich Nietzsche. Compact disc. Program notes by James L. Fessenden and biographical notes on the performers in container.
- 演出者註:John Bell Young, Constance Keene (15th-16th works), piano.
- 系統號: 005094087 | 機讀編目格式

Einleitung = Introduction (1:49) -- Aus der Jugendzeit = From childhood (2:30) -- Unendlich = Forever (2:28) -- Hymnus an die Freundschaft. Vorspiel/Festzug der Freunde zum Tempel der Freundschaft = Hymn to friendship. Prologue festival of friends at the temple of friendship (15:45) -- Two Polish dances. Mazurka (1:04) ; Aus der Czarda (1:40) -- Im Mondschein auf der Puszta = In the mooonlight on the plains (1:10) -- Ungarischer Marsch = Hungarian march (1:23) -- Heldenklage = A hero's lament (1:43) -- Ermanarich : Symphonische Dichtung = Symphonic poem (8:15) -- Nachspiel = Epilogue (1:33) -- Da geht ein Bach = A brook goes by (1:46) -- Edes Titok = Sweet mystery (1:37) -- So lach doch mal = So laugh once more (:55) -- Das zerbrochene Ringlein = The broken vow (3:49) -- Monodie à deux : Lob der Barmherzigkeit = Monody for two : In praise of compassion (4:12) -- Nachklang einer Sylvesternacht, mit Prozessionslied, Bauerntanz und Glockengeläut = Echoes of New Year's Eve, with processional songs, peasant dance and the pealing of bells.