



摘自 博客來音樂館網站
陳銳(Ray Chen)是當今古典樂壇眾所矚目的新生代小提琴演奏家。1989年出生於台灣、成長於澳洲,4歲開始習琴,15歲進入寇蒂斯音樂學院就讀,師從小提琴名家Aaron Rosand,是2009年伊莉莎白小提琴大賽以及2008年曼紐因國際小提琴大賽的雙冠王。當年曼紐因大賽評審、小提琴家凡格羅夫以驚為天人來形容陳銳,特別邀請他到莫斯科與他所帶領的馬林斯基管弦樂團一起演出,並擔任下一屆曼紐因國際小提琴大賽開場協奏曲的獨奏家。
為了這張首次加盟索尼音樂的個人大碟,陳銳竭盡心思地挑選能夠展現小提琴演奏極致的曲目,來呈現他精湛的天賦與勤奮的成果:塔替尼(Giuseppe Tartini)的傳世經典名曲-小提琴奏鳴曲「魔鬼的顫音」(The Devil’s Trill)、巴赫最著名、技巧、內涵、心智與體力上最艱深的空前傑作-第二號無伴奏小提琴組曲中的「夏康」舞曲(Chaconne)、韋尼奧夫斯基(Henryk Wieniawski)的「傳奇曲」、「為小提琴與鋼琴所寫的原創主題變奏曲」、以及法朗克膾炙人口、為小提琴與鋼琴所寫的A大調奏鳴曲。同時,陳銳所使用的,是日本音樂基金會所贊助的1708年製的「Huggins」史特拉底瓦利名琴,以及贏得2009青年藝術家國際試演競賽首獎(Young concert artists international auditions)的獎勵-使用1721年製的「Macmillan」史特拉底瓦利名琴。


Winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition (2009) and the Yehudi Menuhin Competition (2008), Ray Chen is among the most compelling young violinists today. His recent performances, including debut recitals at the Kennedy Center in Washington D. C. and the Merkin Hall in New York, have enraptured both the audiences and the critics: "Ray Chen can do pretty much anything he wants on the violin" (Anne Midgette, The Washington Post). "His whole performance was out of this world" (Elise Simoens, De Standaard). Born in Taiwan and raised in Australia, Ray Chen was accepted to the Curtis Institute of Music at the age of 15, where he continues to work with Aaron Rosand on expanding his repertoire. Mr. Chen plays the "Huggins" Stradivarius, on loan from The Nippon Music Foundation, and the 1721 Stradivarius known as "The Macmillan", provided as part of the award for winning the 2008-09 Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York. Mr. Chen's performance of Bach's Double Violin Concerto became the much-discussed highlight of the 2009 Aspen Music Festival. Maestro Vengerov, who met Mr. Chen while serving on the jury of the Menuhin Competition in Cardiff, immediately engaged him to perform with the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra in St. Petersburg as well as at the opening concert of the next Menuhin Competition in April 2010 in Oslo. "I have had the pleasure of knowing Ray Chen since his triumph at the Yehudi Menuhin Competition", says Maxim Vengerov. "Ray has proven himself to be a very pure musician with great qualities such as a beautiful youthful tone, vitality and lightness. He has all the skills of a truly musical interpreter.


Violin sonata in G minor : "Devil's trill" / Giuseppe Tartini -- Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004. Chaconne / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Légende : in G minor, op. 17 ; Variations on an original theme : for violin and piano, in A major, op. 15 / Henryk Wieniawski -- Sonata for violin and piano in A major / César Franck.
