

Chout = The buffon [i.e. buffoon] : suite, op. 21a ; Le pas d'acier = The steel dance : suite, op. 41a ; The love for three oranges : suite, op. 33a / Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev.



Chout (The Buffoon) :Suite, op. 21a (35:10) -- 1. 1. The buffoon and his wife (3:30) -- 2. 2. Dance of the wives (3:19) -- 3. 3. The buffoons kill their wives (Fugue) (3:06) -- 4. 4. The buffoon as a young woman (3:48) -- 5. 5. Third entrʹacte (1:51) -- 6. 6. Dance of the buffoonsʹ daughters (2:29) -- 7. 7. Entry of the merchant and his welcome (4:07) -- 8. 8. In the merchant's bedroom (2:10) -- 9. 9. The young woman becomes a goat (2:20) -- 10. 10. Fifth entrʹacte and the goat's burial (3:13) -- 11. 11. The buffoon and the merchant quarrel (1:37) -- 12. 12. Final dance (3:40) -- Le Pas D'acier (the steel dance): suite, op. 41a (13:03) -- 13. 1. Entry of the people (2:20) Con't -- 14. 2. The officials (4:39) -- 15. 3. The sailor and the factory-worker (3:11) -- 16. 4. The factory (2:53) -- The love for three oranges: suite, op. 33a (15:11) -- 17. 1. The clowns (2:53) -- 18. 2. The magician and the witch play cards (3:43) -- 19. 3. March (1:36) -- 20. 4. Scherzo (1:20) -- 21. 5 The prince and princess (3:29) -- 22. 6. The flight (2:10)./ Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev.
